Congratulations to all the football players for winning the Suzuki AFF Cup....And tomorrow (31st December) is a public holiday... Thank you to our Prime Minister, Dato' Seri Najib Abd. Razak for the announcement...And tomorrow is a last day of the year 2010....The day after tomorrow, is a day of beginning of the year 2011...My purpose for next year is,.....NOTHING...Actually i don't like to plan something for a long term, i'm afraid that i couldn't accomplish what i've plan...BUT i will try my best to do something good in my life,my marriage and my day....WELCOME 2011 and GODDBYE 2010...
Today, i was so sad becoz we are leaving the year of 2010 and the year of 2011 will be coming soon. There is so many memories in this year that i want to remember and forget...But the life must go on... In the year 2011, i wanna go to honeymoon with my lovely hubby and i hope that my dream will become true...hehehe, let us pray for that day come true....2010, goodbye to you and welcome 2011.....
I'm so happy with my life rite now!! I hope that it will be standing last forever...Ya Allah, I was thankful for Your Mercy and You're Almighty...Allahu Akbar...I'm happy with my family and friends who supporting me no matter how and where they are...Thank You Allah!! Thank You so much becoz find me a very good husband...Thank You Allah...
Rite now is was a year that my lovely Hitam had passed away...I'm still so sad but the Bulat can replace him...Well, is was similiar like Hitam but Bulat is very cute and his fur was so dense,like a teddy bear... I am really love him most becoz he was understand what I'm saying...I'm really sad when Hitam died...His face is very cute, isn't it? Ya Allah, how i miss him so much...He was so nice to me and in his last breathe before he died, he was cried and im not sure for what reason he cried...Hitam, a cat flew away from my hometown Kuala Terengganu, died at 8th December 2009, Saturday at 11.00 am... Im miss you, Hitam...May Allah blesses your soul...
So, guys...I'm presenting my lovely cat BULAT....Isn't he look like Hitam???hehehe,most of important for him is he always like lie down when i was watching TV...hehehe and sometimes he like to running all over the house,from the front house to the backyard and then running again and again and again...He will not stop until he was tired to running,then he lie down and sleep...hehehehe...That is what he do for everyday.... Sometimes he will tease me while I'm busy with cooking...Wherever i go, he must be following me....And sometimes without any purpose i was to step on his tail....hehehehe...Bulat oooo Bulat....that is a tagline when i was called him and he will reply with this word...meoowwwww.....

Side by side or miles apart,
good friends are always
close to the heart.
True friends are never apart,
Maybe in distance
But never in the heart.
Side by side or miles apart,
True friends will always be
Connected by heart.
No matter how many
friends I have,
No matter how much
I talk to them or spend
time with them,
Always remember, that
No one can replace you.
You were, are, and will
Always be irreplaceable.
You have a special place
in my heart forever.
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